Sunday, December 19, 2010

For the sake of change.

Part of my journey lately has brought me to a place where I realized that I just have way too much shit. There's stuff all over the place, albeit it's a small bachelor apartment so things can get pretty cramped rather quickly. But looking at the whole, there was just to much stuff that was doing nothing but taking up space. 

Example, I bought cabinets for under my desk from ikea a few years ago for the sole purpose (now that I think about it) of holding more crap that I didn't have a place for prior to buying said cabinets! Those cabinets were acting as legs for my computer desk and sat on either side. The computer desk was another gargantuous piece that did an awesome job of being a perfect dumping ground for all the day to day bits and pieces. Things would build up on there until it got to a point that I just couldn't take it anymore. It would then take me hours to go through all the papers and crap, figure out and sort the important stuff from the stuff that should have gone to the trash to begin with.

This discovery (which was right in front of my face) lead me to make a big decision. That big decision was to pull as close to a Zen move as I could. I went and bought a new computer desk. One that was much smaller (and much nicer I might add). The old desk was summarily dismantled and chucked as far as humanly possible (I'm rather strong so it did go pretty far!). I then rearranged all my furniture putting my bed (which I love, it's a new Queen, firm with a pillowtop mmmmm, I digress), against the wall the computer desk used to be. The new computer desk I put against the wall the bed used to be. Are you with me still? Can you picture that? OK. Result, I now have a football field in my apartment and I have no idea what I'm going to do with it lol!

Oh, I forgot to mention. I also had -because I'm a guy, a very large 53" RCA  projection TV, yes as I said I live in a bachelor, yes I know just go with it. I've had it for years and it has done me really really well. GONE! An ad up on craigslist and in 1 day, I had almost 25+ responses. Free things always seem to find a home rather quickly. I ended up giving it away to a family that was 'apparently' on disability. After the said person that was supposedly on disability was one of the people that showed up, I had reservations of the validity of the claim. But too late, I'm a man of my word. I rather quickly replaced that with a 40" Samsung LCD. Now that I must say made a huge difference in the amount of space that was recovered.

Now here's the rub. With all these 'things' being in my life for so long. They've become a part of me in a way. I realized this when I gave away the TV. I was super jazzed about the new LCD don't get me wrong. But watching that old TV go out the door with people that I didn't know, hurt a little. I understand though that that pain is a sign of change and it's good for you. It means that you were in a rut and doing the right thing by making a change. It was a reminder, to me at least, to keep pushing forward and not just sitting back becoming complacent.  The more you can get used to it the better off you are, it keeps you flexible should an awesome opportunity come along. 

So here's challenge to you (whoever is reading this), go through your closets, search your basements and clean out the garage. If you come across things that you haven't touched for at least a year, either sell it or toss it. I think you'll like the feeling. Maybe not a first but you will after, I promise. 

Going through this whole process reminded me of one of my favourite quotes from one of my all time favourite movies, Fight Club. Brad Pitt's character tells Ed Norton's character, "the things you own, end up owning you" and oh how they do!

Now what to do with the football field?

PS. Here's a lifehacker idea for all the clotheshorse people out there. Put all your clothes on hangers in your closet and hook them on from behind, you know, the hard way. At the end of the year go through the closet and look for any hangers that are still hooked from behind. That tells you you haven't worn it in a year and most likely never will wear again. Do yourself a favour, go donate it to the goodwill.

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