Monday, January 31, 2011

All just a bunch of hooey!

I was talking with my mum today going over all the stuff that's gone on over the past few days. She asked how I was doing since I found out at 4:30pm Friday that the contract that I was working under expires at 5:00pm that day. That's right I am now unemployed, yet again! F'ing Bullocks! So now I've been updating the resume, getting all the particulars of the last job down before I forget it all. Then I need to get myself back into interview shape again which is just as exhausting as looking for something to apply to get interviewed for in the first place. I like job hunting about as much as I like looking for a new apartment. They both suck in this city.

Anyway, back on topic. One thing my mum asked was whether I caught any of the awards shows, the golden globes or something like that. Now I think that all of this is bullshit. I have absolutely no time to spend watching a bunch of actors stand around and pat each other on the back "because they did such an awesome performance" {the previously quoted sentence is to be said in the most sarcastic tone possible}. Who I admire are those that save lives day in and day out, who risk their own lives protecting others while sacrificing their own safety. Doctors, paramedics, police and fire(people?). But you don't see them throwing millions of dollars towards a televised campfire singalong while all the winners gasp in amazement saying "I can't believe this, I can't believe they love me so much. It's such a dream come true!" {again more sarcastic tones required for the previous quote}.

I would really like to see all of those awards shows go the way of the 8 track tape. Gone and forgotten an unnecessary waste of time and money to inflate already too huge ego's.

Just a bunch of hooey!


  1. You crack me up! I'm sorry to hear about your recent job loss. What aspect of "technology" is your experience in?... programming, database, systems support? Aside from being an awesome fitness expert myself, I'm an ERP software developer by day. And btw, I did read your previous post and I'm still working out something creative and funny to say. Take it easy man.


  2. My focus in IT has been in the support sector. It's ind of a drag and I've been trying to get out of the support side of things. It is extremely difficult though. The best way I can see is to move up from within a company. I was working on that with the last place I was at prior to the contract role. I kept getting passed over for promotions and it started to piss me off. They liked me doing the role that I was doing and weren't interested in getting someone else to take over. Because of that, people, junior to myself, were being promoted up the ranks and into different roles. Once the department shakeup happened, my support base was replaced and I was let go. Office politics at it's ugliest. Funny thing is, the manager that let me go ended up quitting shortly after the new director took control and from what I've heard since, it's a good thing I left because the place has gone to hell.
