Monday, January 16, 2012

The aftermath

Well Xmas has come and gone, new years too. I managed to escape without too much damage done to the waistline. The wallet however didn't fare as well lol. It's expected though with that time of year. I didn't buy all that much for people really when looking at what some others bought for family and friends. L got me some Lulu Lemon pants for the gym. Really  stretchy so they are really good for leg day. Getting deep down in a squat with no resistance on the thighs is a nice change. She also got me a facial lol. Yeah I went and had a facial while she had her Mani/Pedi -which I should add that I had one of those earlier on with her as well. I figured why do the girls get all the pampering. Why can't I go and get pampered now and then! Truth be told, I'd go again no problem.

It's been a little while since I made any big purchases for myself, the last being some Ikea furniture to replace the TV stand and some shelving. I went back to Ikea on Sunday to specifically grab some picture frames for some posters of the Holstee manifesto I bought. One for me and one for a friend for Xmas. The problem is I didn't come out with just those now didn't I! No I went and spent some cash and picked up some other odds and ends for my place, which is in constant development into my ideal home (minus the walkout to the ocean view, still working on that one). I'm OK with what I bought though, you have to treat yourself now and then for all the hard work that you do. The real kicker here is the two frames I bought I discovered were both damaged! Now I have to go back and exchange them another day. I must behave myself when I do is all I'm saying lol.

The year in review is proving a fun challenge (that's sarcasm if you didn't notice lol) I figured out how to get me started though and that's to point form all the things I could remember going on all throughout last year. Now I need to put them in some chronological order and expand on the details to string it all together. The key word for the year I came across was 'experiences' as it definitely was the year for them. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to post it up here or not, it all depends on how detailed I get with names and dates -this is supposed to me somewhat anonymous after all. We'll see when I'm done.

The Girl
L and I have definitely hit a rhythm. At least I feel like we have. We are closer now and are getting closer as each day passes. Some feel we're moving too fast but I'm just going with the flow of it. I admit I was  moving pretty quick in the beginning but have since pulled back a bit from any pressure on L. She's still getting over her divorce which I am sure is not easy, I see it in her eyes and how she talks about it. I wish there was something I could do but only time will fix that. Besides the best thing I think I could do right now is just be there and listen. I must say though that she is helping me just as much. Sometimes I can be a tough nut, some have gone as far as saying stubborn. L likes to talk things out and get down to brass tacks as they say and she's making me think about things that I haven't wanted to think about even though I really need too. She may not realize her effects. I think it's time some changes were made with the one area that's been a tough one for me and that's career.

What with the Xmas holidays and all I did end up tacking on about 5 lbs. Some of it muscle but I think also some fat. I know it's inevitable but I really want to stay as lean as I can. One good think about it all is that people are noticing a difference. My friend and coach pointed out a change to the post workout shake protocol in that I should start adding either Malto or Waxy as an extra simple carb should help give me a bigger boost. He specifically pointed out my delts which have been a sore spot for me in the past, they've always been a hard gain for me. He was very happy with he gains over this off season there and said there was a "night and day difference from last year", call me giddy.

I think one of the big contributors to the increase in size has also to do with the change in  training patterns as much as the diet changes. We've gone from powerlifting approach to more of a bodybuilding approach. Dropping overall weight down to around 80% max yet upping the reps and sets. I now do 4-5 sets of 12-15 reps with practically everything except deadlifts, the back wouldn't survive. My legs have grown considerably since doing that. 4 working sets at 315lbs for 12 reps gets the blood moving and leaves me with a pump like I've never felt before. The joints prefer it too as they aren't getting overworked. Chest day, shoulders, back it doesn't matter, they have all seen significant growth and I am so happy with the progress. Makes me wish I happened along this a few years ago.

That's all I got for now....

Let the flurry of comments proceed (lol)